Refrigerator Buying Guide

    Welcome to our refrigerator buying guide. Here you will find tips for buying a new refrigerator. By the end of this article, you will know how to buy a refrigerator.

    Your refrigerator is the ultimate kitchen assistant. It keeps your family’s food fresh and your groceries organized.

    Your fridge will play a huge role in your kitchen for years to come, so choose one that makes the most sense for your household.

    Refrigerator Buying Guide

    Refrigerator Buying Guide

    The key things to consider are:

    • Space and Layout
    • Fridge Types
    • Freestanding or Built-in
    • Style and Configuration
    • Features
    • Finishes

    Space and Layout

    The first things to think about is how much space you have and the layout. The two are connected.

    Start by measuring the spot where the fridge will be installed, so you can choose the fridge size that makes sense for your needs and kitchen dimensions.

    Take height, width and depth measurements of the space where the fridge will stand and compare them to the product’s listed dimensions.

    Allocate space on all sides of the appliance for cords and hoses and to provide adequate air flow, at least half an inch on the sides and top of the refrigerator, and at least one full inch behind.

    Take note of the fridges depth measurements with the door closed and open. Make sure there will be enough room for a full doors swing out without hitting cabinets, walls or an island.

    Measure the doorways and pathways that the refrigerator will travel on its way to the kitchen before installation.

    Always follow your appliance use, care and installation instructions as they are your primary source of information.

    Fridge Types

    You can choose between 2 types of refrigerators, freestanding or built-in.

    Freestanding fridges tend to be easier to install and are generally more affordable than built-in models.

    Typically no custom cabinetry is required.

    Freestanding fridges offer both standard and counter depth options to meet your style and storage needs.

    Standard depth fridges are a popular choice for families in need of more fridge and/or freezer space.

    This style of fridge protrudes slightly from the counter. It is considered to be a more cost effective option.

    Counter depth fridges give the appearance of being built-in, providing a sleek, seamless style, ideal for modern kitchens.

    They offer a built-in look, but are often more budget friendly than actual built-in models.

    The design optimizes traffic flow since the fridge doesn’t stick out. It also allows for doors to swing wide open, without a cabinet or counter getting in the way.

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    Built-in fridges are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing kitchen. They can be a costlier option because the fridge is built into cabinets, which may require custom cabinetry and a professional to perform the installation.

    Generally built-in refrigerators are taller than standard models to make up for the space lost in depth. They typically offer width up to 48 inches to meet your storage needs.

    Built-ins come in a variety of styles, like French door, bottom freezer and side by side, which will compare inner style and configuration segment.

    A built-in fridge can either be a flush or non flush install.

    In a flush installation, the front of the refrigerator sits flush or in line with the surrounding cabinetry. With the non flush install, the doors protrude slightly from the surrounding cabinetry or countertop.

    By now you may have the sense of what size and type of fridge may fit your household’s needs.

    how to buy a refrigerator tips

    Fridge Style and Configuration

    Refrigerators come in top freezer ,bottom freezer, French door bottom freezer and side by side configuration.

    In a top freezer refrigerator, the freezer is located above the fridge. It’s a classic design and generally available at a lower price point.

    It comes with a reversible door options so you can set it up to open from the left or right, depending on your kitchen layout.

    Top freezer fridges are usually available in 24, 28, 30 and 33 inch widths, with the typical total fridge and freezer volume ranging from 10 to 21 cubic feet.

    Bottom freezer refrigerators have a freezer located at the bottom of the fridge. The freezer door can swing open from either the left or right or it may be a pull out drawer style.

    The fridge door can be set up to open from either the left or right, depending on your kitchen layout.

    Placing the freezer at the bottom of the unit, keeps the refrigerator compartment at eye level.

    Typically a bottom freezer is larger than a top freezer and has tiered storage basket. This is useful if you store a lot of frozen food.

    Bottom freezer refrigerators are available in 24, 28, 30 and 33 inch widths, with 19 to 22 cubic feet of total fridge and freezer volume.

    There are also small space options with 12 cubic feet of volume.

    A typical French door bottom freezer refrigerator has 2 doors that open independently to access the fridge compartment at the top.

    This style is designed to allow you to open only one side of the fridge at the time. This ensures that the entire fridge compartment doesn’t cool down each time the door is open.

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    The freezer is located below and designed with the pull out drawer.

    4 door and 5 door options are also available, which provide easy-to-access external drawers.

    French door fridges have a pantry layout and specialized storage compartments so your food is visible and accessible.

    They are considered a higher-end choice because they usually have the most features.

    They’re typically available in 30, 33 and 36 inch width, with volume ranging from 20 to 28 cubic feet. Select widths are available in counter depth options.

    Side by side refrigerators are configured with 2 separate full height compartments, one of freezer and the other a fridge. Each compartment has its own door. This design keeps freezer foods easily accessible and can also provide extra freezer space, which is great for families who buy more frozen groceries.

    Adjustable shelves and door bins help keep everything organized. With each compartment smaller width capacity, however, it may be more difficult to fit wide trays and platters.

    Side by side fridges are usually available in 33 and 36 inch, with typically offering 22 to 26 cubic feet of total volume.

    Select widths are also available in counter depth options.

    tips for buying a new refrigerator


    Let’s turn our attention now to features.

    Refrigerators offer a wide variety of features. Some fridges come with water and ice dispensing. There are both the internal and external dispensing options.

    Internal dispensers are a great option if you prefer a cleaner look to your fridge exterior. External dispensers are easy to access with no doors to open.

    Both types offer the convenience of immediate ice cubes and water. Many are also equipped to house a water filter for clean and fresh tasting water.

    Installation may require a plumber to attach the waterline. So factor in that extra cost when budgeting.

    Performance features help store your food at optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Some evaporators permit more precise temperature controls, while others provide independent cooling solutions for the fridge and freezer.

    Humidity-controlled crispers create ideal fruit and vegetable environments.

    Adjustable temperature drawers allow you to select a custom temperature based on what you’re storing. Some drawers are available in full width, pantry style formats, to accommodate large platters and trays.

    Organization Features

    Next let’s take a look at the organization features, which can help you keep your foods and beverages visible and readily accessible.

    Adjustable shelving and bands provide flexibility when storing items of varying heights and widths, like jars, juice containers, party platters or milk cartons.

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    Large gallon door bins offer a deeper door bin to accommodate larger items like milk jugs, juice cartons and condiment jars.

    Tiered shelving inside the freezer may improve storing and retrieving frozen food items.

    Select Whirlpool fridges come with an infinity slide shelf that enables you to put small snacks on the side and large items in the center and adjustable center pane slides back and stops at any point to give you the room you need.

    Select top freezer Whirlpool fridges feature a Flexi-Slide bin that quickly and easily move side to side to make space for tall items.

    Chances are you may not have considered lighting, but it’s a fridge feature to think about.

    LED lighting uses less energy than incandescent bulbs. Plus LEDs true white light insures food looks like it should.

    Some smart fridges can connect with your wi-fi and your smart devices. This gives you more options to troubleshoot issues, get notifications and control smart features right from your phone.


    Once you make your decisions around fridge size, style, configuration and features, you can browse finishes and color options to find the right fit for your taste and kitchen design.

    Options include stainless steel, which is available in fingerprint resistant finishes, making it easy to clean and maintain.

    Black stainless steel, which is a stylish update to traditional stainless steel. This is also available in fingerprint resistant finishes.

    As well as classic colors like traditional white or black.

    If you opt for a built-in fridge, you can also choose a panel-ready, built-in exterior option. This style of fridge has a door panel that it’s ready to be outfitted with customized cabinetry to match your kitchen panels or cabinet doors.

    The right refrigerator does more than store your food. It helps keep you organized and your favorite ingredients fresh.

    It aids in meal planning and cooking, so you and your family can keep the day moving.

    Look for a model that meets your performance needs, while complimenting your kitchen style.

    We hope you found this guide helpful as you plan your refrigerator purchase.