How to Clean a Moldy Dishwasher

    Discovering mold in your dishwasher can be concerning, but fear not! In this blog post, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how to effectively clean a moldy dishwasher. Follow these essential steps to eliminate mold, prevent its recurrence, and restore your dishwasher to a hygienic and safe state.

    How to Clean a Moldy Dishwasher

    Safety First

    Before starting any cleaning procedures, ensure your safety by wearing rubber gloves and a protective mask. Mold spores can be harmful when inhaled or touched, so take necessary precautions.

    Empty and Inspect

    Remove all dishes, utensils, and debris from the dishwasher. Inspect the interior, gasket, filter, and spray arms for visible signs of mold. Take note of any heavily affected areas that may require extra attention.

    Clean the Filter

    Start by removing the dishwasher filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Rinse it under hot water to dislodge any debris or mold growth. Use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub away stubborn mold. Once clean, reinstall the filter.

    Remove Mold from Gasket and Seals

    Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray this solution on the gasket, door seals, and any areas with visible mold growth. Allow the vinegar solution to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the mold. Then, scrub the affected areas with a soft brush or sponge. Rinse thoroughly with water.

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    Attack Mold with Bleach Solution

    For severe mold infestations, prepare a bleach solution by mixing 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water. With caution, apply the bleach solution to moldy areas using a sponge or cloth. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes to kill the mold. Scrub gently to remove any remaining mold residue. Thoroughly rinse the dishwasher with water afterward.

    Clean Spray Arms and Interior

    Remove the dishwasher’s spray arms and soak them in a mixture of warm water and vinegar for about 30 minutes. Use a toothpick or small brush to clear any clogged spray holes. Wipe down the interior walls and racks with a vinegar-soaked cloth to ensure all mold is addressed.

    Run a Cleaning Cycle

    Fill a dishwasher-safe container with 1 cup of white vinegar and place it on the top rack. Run a hot water cycle to help sanitize and deodorize the dishwasher. Alternatively, you can use dishwasher cleaning tablets or specific dishwasher cleaners recommended by the manufacturer.

    Prevent Mold Recurrence

    To prevent mold from returning, implement regular maintenance practices. Keep the dishwasher clean and dry when not in use. Leave the door slightly ajar to allow air circulation. Remove any food debris after each use and clean the filter regularly. Consider using a dishwasher cleaner or mold-inhibiting additives.


    A moldy dishwasher is no match for these effective cleaning methods. By following these steps and practicing regular maintenance, you can eliminate mold, prevent its recurrence, and ensure a hygienic and safe dishwasher. Remember to wear protective gear, choose appropriate cleaning solutions, and exercise caution throughout the process. Say goodbye to mold and hello to a clean and fresh dishwasher once again.

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